vendredi 26 avril 2013

Circle of fifths

When I work a new voicing, a new chords progression or a new lick I try to work it in all tonalities. For this I use the circle of 5ths (or circle of 4ths, depends on the direction you play it)

It presents many advantages:
- It's more melodious and more interesting than playing all tonalities half-ton by half-ton. And it helps your ear not getting bored too quickly.
- It's very utilized in jazz. You can hear this progression in lots of standard. And in lots of style : pop, rock, blues, jazz, country... If you work like that your finger will find easier their way when you play a standard. you can notice that II-V-I is itself a fifth progression ! Plus the order of sharps and flats is base on the circle of 5ths.
Take a look at the Wikipedia article of the circle of 5ths which is very complete.

Use it when training you will see benefits very quickly.

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